What We Do

At the grass-root level, the farmers cannot breed their female goats properly, which ultimately leads to poor conception rates or fewer kids produced. Continuous use of the breeding males and their progenies over a more extended period in a particular locality leads to inbreeding depression in the growth rate and other reproductive performances of this breed.. Using cryogenic containers, the Frozen Semen Dose are transferred to various distribution points in all the district of West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Assam etc. Our trained Artificial Insemination workers collect the Frozen Semen Dose according to their own needs & attempt the "call" from the female goat owners. A service charge is taken from the farmers. So by the just nominal payment of per call, the goat farmers are getting :
A. High-quality Elite Indigenous Goat Breed Semen that will increase avg. Two thousand rupees value for each subsequent generation goat's kids.
B. Hassle-free service to their doors step will save up to 1000 rupees per year per mother goat. Now farmers no need to travel long distance in search of breedable male goats.
C. Overall, 40% annual income growth for the rural goat farmers by the acceptancy of Artificial Insemination technology.
D. Others paramedical supports & advanced goat rearing management guidance from our service providers.
We are the only Private institution in India that successfully implement the Goat frozen semen infield level in association with ICAR National Dairy Research Institute ERS & ICAR Central Institute for Research on Goat.
Aegipan is actively involved in the buy-back of goats from the farmers who have used its AI process. These goats are then sold onward to state government agencies like Haringhata Meat or directly to the government through block-level tendering for onward distribution under various rural state welfare projects. These trading activities are done through continuous monitoring and liaison with the network of para-vets trained by Aegipan.